Over the last several weeks, our world and our emotions have been rocked again by inexplicable violence and the unfathomable killing of innocent children and adults in what should be safe places. Watching news reports, as well as hearing about these shootings, have the potential to activate a trauma response (especially fear or anxiety) in children, families, and the larger community. There is no easy answer. No single remedy for healing. But, as dedicated champions for children and families, we have compiled strength-based tools from multiple trusted and respected sources. And, please, never forget that Starfish is here for you. Methods for healing High profile acts of violence, particularly in a school, can confuse and frighten children who may feel they're in danger or worry that their friends or loved-ones are in jeopardy. This is true even if the incident didn't occur locally. Children identify with other children regardless of location---which may trigger signs of … [Read more...]