Early Childhood Education Fatherhood Survey Please select the center your child attends*CecilCentralCovenantCrestwoodFortHartfordHiveleyLivoniaMarygrovePlymouth/CantonSt. SuzanneThorneWestwoodMi-SideFocus HopePlease select the center your child attendsWhat type of fatherhood events would you be interested in? Select All Fatherhood Support Groups (an open group, that discusses a wide range of topics that interest fathers) Fraternity of Fathers ( 6-10 week closed group, that discuss topics such as co-parenting, emotional attachments, self-regulation, etc. ) Male Buddy Days (fun activities for fathers and their children to engage in while the child is learning.) Would you be interested in any of the following? Select All Friend of the Court (FOC) services CPS related services Not interested What would you like to learn more about? Select All WIC Breastfeeding Basics for Men Employment Needs Educational Needs Other Not Interested What is your full name?*What is your email address?* Δ