Starfish Family Services is an Accredited Organization
Starfish is fully accredited through the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA is an independent, nonprofit organization that partners with human service organizations (like ours) worldwide to improve service delivery outcomes by developing, applying, and promoting appropriate best practice standards.
Why is COA accreditation important?
- COA accreditation affirms that Starfish meets the highest national standards of best practice and establishes our credibility as effective and professionally sound.
- It provides assurance that Starish is delivering needed, high-quality services in our community, conducting our operations successfully, and managing our funds effectively.
- COA accreditation provides you with the confidence that Starfish services are among the best in the nation.
Is COA accreditation a one-time achievement?
- Accreditation is conducted in 4-year cycles.
- COA’s highly experienced professionals review all aspects of our organization’s programs and services and provides a Final Accreditation Report (FAR), a valuable document that details observations and recommendations.
- If standards are not fully implemented, they must be addressed through a performance and quality improvement process.
How does COA help strengthen Starfish?
- It has improved the way we deliver services to the community.
- It helps us establish tangible strategies for continual improvement in the years to come.
- It spurs Starfish to consistently strive for and achieve new levels of excellence.