The Kids Count Data book provides population data on all children across the United States from birth to age 17. Michigan is home to 650,317 children under the age of five. 20% of those children reside in Wayne County, the largest population of young children across the entire state. In the 2024 Kids Count report, which covers through 2022, there is striking data regarding Michigan’s youngest and most vulnerable children:
- 40% of children live in poverty (44% of Wayne County children)
- 56% of children 3-4 years of age went to school in the 2021-2022 school year
- 26% of children received SNAP benefits (41% of Wayne County children)
- 48% of children under 4 recieve WIC (63.5% of Wayne County children)
- 9.2% of babies are born with a low birth weight

The statistics above demonstrate the critical need for diverse programming that supports infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families. The first five years of a child’s life are the most critical due to rapid brain development. These early years lay the foundation for future educational, relational, and life-long success. Early childhood professionals from all disciplines work tirelessly to educate, support, and empower families with young children to mitigate the risks and increase positive outcomes.
At Starfish, we support early relationships through both educational and therapeutic programming. Our dedicated team of early childhood educators, therapists, home visitors, nurses, and specialists focus on relationships as the foundation for future success of children and their families. At Starfish, we believe that relationships are the agent of change and we live it in our work every day.
Did you know:

- A supportive relationship with a caring adult can help mitigate the effects of toxic stress. Learn more
- Play is critically important work for babies and toddlers! Learn more
- Our earliest experiences provide the foundation for later brain development. Learn more
For the past eight years, the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health has dedicated one week in October to “Celebrate Babies”. This is a week is “designed to bring awareness to the critical role that early relationships play in the well-being of infants, toddlers, and their families. The initiative focuses on celebrating babies, early childhood professionals, and the communities that support them.” In 2021, Celebrate Babies week became an official proclamation by Governor Whitmer, marking the third week of October officially Celebrate Babies Week! This year, Celebrate Babies is October 21-25th.
Here are some ways you can Celebrate Babies and their caregivers:
- Wear some Celebrate Babies merch!
- Host a brown bag “lunch and learn” on various topics impacts infants, toddlers, and their families
- Hold a “Self Care” event/lunch with friends and colleagues to celebrate your accomplishments and recharge
- Create a “must read” list of your favorite articles/books about babies/toddlers/young children/families
- Reflect on early experiences through sharing of baby photos
- Participate in advocacy work by contacting your representatives to support programs that promote healthy development in young children. Not sure where to start? Visit Michigan’s Children for ideas!
At Starfish, keep a look out during the week of October 21st across our Early Childhood Education locations for a fun game of “Who is this baby?”
To learn more about Celebrate Babies Week, visit the official website.