In times of crisis and calm, babies rely on an accurate Census. On National Baby Day—May 2—join us as we remind families to count all babies and young children in the 2020 Census. Excerpted from Count All Kids census initiative led by ZERO to THREE
Haven’t taken the census yet? It’s quick (5 minutes or less) and confidential. Click to take online at https://my2020census.gov/ or by phone, call (844) 330-2020.
Why is taking the census so important?
- The 2020 Census will help decide how much money communities will get for schools, child care and early learning, health insurance and medical care, early intervention and home visiting programs, food assistance, foster care, housing assistance, and public transportation.
- As the government responds to health and economic crises like COVID-19, an accurate Census also ensures that babies and families are included in emergency plans.
- Young children are historically undercounted in the Census. In 2010, we missed almost 10 percent of children under 5 (or about 2.2 million young children).
- This year, the national response rate is lagging as the pandemic further disrupts a complete count.